SMoKE Patch 9.2 FULL + UPDATE 9.2.1
SMoKE Patch 9.2 FULL - Released 08/12/2016
changes 9.2
- Included DLC 2
- Applied latest live update
- reworked ML and BL modes
- rework all stadiums
- new HD turfs
- enhanced turf colors
- enhanced turf lines
- new default turf available in new switcher
- activated SMoKE adboards and billboards
- new HD skies
- full bundesliga squads (18 teams)
- full other Europe squads (40 teams)
- added a lot of new players
- removed a lot of fake players
- updated balls
- updated boots
- fixed bug when selecting boots
- added missing nationality flags
- added 100 new gloves
- a lot of fixes and enhancements
متوافق مع الداتا باك 2
اخر لايف ابديت
ارضيات HD جديدة
الدوري الالماني كاملاً 18 فريق
اضافة لاعبين جدد
حذف اللاعبين الوهميين
تحديث الكرات
تحديث الاحذية
اصلاح المشاكل في الاحذية
اضافة 100 قفاز للحراس
والمزيد ...
All Features
- includes konami latest konami DLC2
- includes online/offline switcher
- live updates mode compatible (press right analog to switch)
- ready for new season 16/17
- correct leagues names
- correct leagues emblems
- correct leagues balls
- Germany Bundesliga replaces PEU league
- Japan J. League replaces PAS league (squads not ready)
- American MLS replaces PLA league (squads not ready)
- correct clubs logo
- correct kits for all teams
- correct and updated squads
- correct manager with photo for all teams
- all teams have correct home stadium
- correct radar/fans colors for all teams
- a lot of new teams added (playable in FL modes):
- a lot of new faces (+1600)
- removed duplicated and fake players
- new 100 goalkeeper gloves
- correct names for all stadiums
- new stadiums (40 total)
- HD skies for all stadiums
- HD stadium turfs
- new boots
- new balls
- new referee kits
- special adboards
1. extract patch files (download all parts, put in the same place then extract)
2. run installer (Setup 9.2.exe) and follow installer steps
استخراج الملفات
تثبيت الباتش من ملف Setup 9.2.exe
*Tested on original game and CPY
SMoKE Patch 9.2 UPDATE