[Sider module] Scoreboard Server v1.0 by zlac For Sider 4.1.1

Current version: 1.0
Minimum version of Sider required: 4.1.1 with sider.dll fix

GDB-style unlimited scoreboard management
file packaging is identical to .cpk scoreboards – files for each scoreboard must be extracted from their original .cpk files and placed into separate folders (see image below)
scoreboards are assigned to competitions via map_competitions.txt file – i.e. all teams participating in particular competition will use identical scoreboard – see the included map_competitions.txt file for some examples
more than one scoreboard can be assigned to a single competition – in this case, script selects one scoreboard randomly

How to use:
Unpack v1.0 archive and copy folders content and modules inside your sider 4.1.0 folder
Add lua.module = “ScoreboardServer.lua” at the end of sider.ini file
Customize map_competitions.txt files (located inside content\scoreboard-server folder) and add your own folders with scoreboard files in content\scoreboard-server folder – !! initial distribution of ScoreboardServer does not include any custom scoreboards !!
Required folder structure for one scoreboard inside content\scoreboard-server:

Credits: @juce and @nesa24 for sider


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