PES 2019 [Sider module] Weather Conditions based on tournament V0.2 by Baris

Current version: 0.2 Minimum version of Sider required: 5.1.0
Based on tournament/country the weather conditions will be set randomly. However there will be a small calculation using some probabilities to get more realistic weather for each tournament/country.
See "content\weather-conditions\map_competitions.csv" for all probabilities and defined tournament IDs

  • e.g. for england (1st and 2nd league) the weather will be more rainy than in italy or spain
Note: this is my first .lua script, therefore no error free module is guaranteed
1) Install sider 5.1.0 (or higher)
2) Copy folders "content" and "modules" to your PES2019 directory and overwrite the directories. No files of sider will be overwritten.
3) Add the following line to your sider.ini:
lua.module = "WeatherConditions.lua"

  • @juce and @nesa24 for sider
  • @zlac and @Hawke for writing lua modules (which have inspired this module)


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