PES 2019 EXECO19 version 11.0.8 - DLC 4.02 compatibility (stm users)
a new update (DLC4.02) released today made the patch incompatible and will reset the game, the future versions of the patch will be compatible with it, until the next release, you can download this temporary fix to make the patch compatible.
read carefully the information below:
this is only temporary compatibility fix, we used (SMK_Extra16.cpk) for this fix, make sure you did not remove smoke patch files from the dpfilelist.
1. Download and extract (comp_4.02.rar)
2. copy and replace (SMK_Extra16.cpk) and (DpFileList.bin) in the download folder of the game.
this will make the patch compatible, but no features from the new dlc is available in this fix.
if you have changed the patch files and you face problems with this fix, be sure to read THIS