PES 2020 English Commentary Callname Mod by predator002

– Player Callnames:
2456 original + 5674 added
Total = 8130​
– Team Callnames:
16 Albania, 34 Argentina, 3 Austria, 8 Azerbaijan, 1 Belarus
17 Belgium, 3 Bosnia, 26 Brazil, 1 Bulgaria, 18 Chile, 16 China
20 Colombia, 11 Croatia, 1 Cyprus, 3 Czech, 14 Denmark, 167 England
1 Finland, 46 France, 108 Germany, 4 Greece, 86 International/Other
18 Iran, 146 Italy, 4 Japan, 1 Macedonia, 24 Malaysia, 19 Mexico
1 Montenegro, 20 Netherlands, 3 Northern Ireland, 1 Norway
12 Paraguay, 1 Peru, 19 Poland, 42 Portugal, 2 Romania, 20 Russia
2 Saudi Arabia, 19 Scotland, 4 Serbia, 1 Slovakia, 3 Slovenia
155 Spain, 1 Sweden, 3 Switzerland, 33 Thailand, 19 Turkey
1 UAE, 2 Ukraine, 16 Uruguay, 1 Venezuela, 5 Wales
Total = 1202

How to Install CPK
Download & Extract files.
Copy the CPK into the folder
“C:\ .. \Pro Evolution Soccer 2017\download.
Generate dpfilelist.bin using DpfileListGenerator Tool
(Put this CPK into the Last Checked).
Play & Enjoy!

How to install (LiveCPK via Sider):
– Ensure Sider is installed.
– Extract contents of CPK to a temp location using CRI Packed File Maker.
– Create ‘preds-root’ inside the Sider/LiveCPK directory.
– Copy contents of temp location to Sider/LiveCPK/preds-root.
– Edit Sider.ini in Notepad and add a new line: –
cpk.root = “.\livecpk\preds-root”​ 

Please do not rip from this pack and use or advertise as your own.
Please credit if you use this pack in your patch.


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