PES 20 Latest Faces Pack and Patch by BiRaitBec

2020 Ultimate Facepack includes:
Faces: 5762
Minifaces: 22,667
Coach Minifaces: 292

This Facepack contains all you need in terms of Faces/Minifaces and Tattoos available for Pes 2020 and it’s a work that started from Pes 18 modding for personal use througout the years and decided to release it and polishing it for pes 2020 because it will be the last using Fox Engine, making mods no more compatible with the next one. With this you won’t have anonymous Matches and ML/BAL modes. It is a lot heavy because it really is the max you can get in this side.

* Notice: All the content included in the facepack is coming from the work of all facemakers around the world that from Pes 18 to Pes 20 decided to improve game faces or add brand new ones. If you like what i managed to repack properly, it means you also liked all facemakers works.

2020 Ultimate Patch:
Contains all you need for pes 2020 except the Facepack, all properly installed and up to date to give the best out of your game in terms of Kits, scoreboards, stadiums, licenses, graphics and miscellaneous stuff.
It is a pack of all best possible you can get but it is also a custom made one edited from me to fit my needs and to have all properly working together.

Patch Includes: (If i miss something let me know):
Sider 6.2.0 by Juce
Smoke Patch Kits for all teams
Tight Kits
Scoreboard Server and Scoreboard Pack by Zlac
Scoreboard Copa Libertadores, Superliga Argentina, Supercopa Argentina, Copa Argentina, B Nactional Argentina, Commebol Sudamericana by Lucasvillakapo
Coupe de la Ligue by FuNZoTik
German Scoreboard Pack by 1002MB
Evo Adboards AIO by Chosefs
Adboards Patch by Rique
Ball Server by Zlac
BallPack by Vito
Stadium Server by Zlac
Serie A | Serie B Stadiums Pack by Ando12345
Vitality Stadium, Pittodrie Stadium, John Smith’s Stadium, Ewood Park, New Douglas Park, Loftus Road, Municipal de Braga by Arthur Torres and bluloon
Stadio Mario Rigamonti by OmarBonvi
3D HD Logo pack by Ali.Chila and Genko06
ML Scout Maps by 1002
GFX MOD Ultimate AIO
Mods by Predator002

– Download the AIO Patch, the Edit file, the AIO Facepack and the Update 2 Facepack, then open them. Extract the Sider folder from the AIO Patch to your eFootball Pes 2020 folder, then extract the save folder from the AIO Patch – Edit file to your Documents/Konami/eFootball Pes 2020/xxxxxxxnumbers folder, then the Facepack folder from the AIO Facepack and Update 2 Facepack to eFootball Pes 2020/Sider/livecpk folder.
– Run the Sider located in the Sider folder everytime, before opening the game.

* If you come from the previous version be sure to download the AIO Patch, the Edit File, the Update 1 Facepack and Update 2 Facepack only, then open them once downloaded. Extract the Sider folder from the AIO Patch to your eFootball Pes 2020 folder, then extract the save folder from the AIO Patch – Edit file to your Documents/Konami/eFootball Pes 2020/xxxxxxxnumbers folder and the Facepack folder from the Update 1 Facepack and Update 2 Facepack to eFootball Pes 2020/Sider/livecpk folder. Still Run the Sider located in the Sider folder everytime before opening the game.
Thanks massively for supporting this project, we are really on top of it and i’m extremely proud.


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