PES 2020 GFX LoD module by nesa24

Writes 0x20 [ 32 ] and 0x40 [ 64 ] as Min and max lod values
Maximum supported value is 0xFF [ 255 ]
-- set LOD
-- For PES2020
local minlodaddress = 0x1428DBCA1
local maxlodaddress = 0x1428DBCA2
function init(ctx)
memory.write(minlodaddress, ‘\x20’)
memory.write(maxlodaddress, ‘\x40’)
return { init = init }
Default values 0x32 [ 50 decimal ] and 0x64 [ 100 decimal ]

To install place it in modules folder and add GFX_lod.lua to sider.ini
Datapack 2.0 Update Code by digitalfoxx (added on 26.10):

minlodaddress = 0x1428F1CF1
maxlodaddress = 0x1428F1CF2

Double click the .lua and edit it with Notepad++
* you can use it, or wait for official update from nesa24.


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