\PES 2020 English Commentary Callname Mod by predator002

Features: – Player Callnames:
2456 original + 6476 added​
Total = 8932
– Team Callnames:
16 Albania, 35 Argentina, 3 Austria, 8 Azerbaijan, 1 Belarus​
17 Belgium, 3 Bosnia, 28 Brazil, 1 Bulgaria, 18 Chile, 16 China​
20 Colombia, 11 Croatia, 1 Cyprus, 3 Czech, 15 Denmark, 167 England​
1 Finland, 47 France, 108 Germany, 4 Greece, 86 International/Other​
18 Iran, 148 Italy, 4 Japan, 1 Macedonia, 24 Malaysia, 19 Mexico​
1 Montenegro, 20 Netherlands, 3 Northern Ireland, 1 Norway​
12 Paraguay, 1 Peru, 19 Poland, 42 Portugal, 2 Romania, 20 Russia​
2 Saudi Arabia, 19 Scotland, 4 Serbia, 1 Slovakia, 3 Slovenia​
157 Spain, 1 Sweden, 4 Switzerland, 33 Thailand, 19 Turkey​
1 UAE, 2 Ukraine, 16 Uruguay, 1 Venezuela, 5 Wales​
Total = 1212

Update V3: Players are the focus for this update. I’ve managed to share more callnames between players and also add a good chunk of new names too. Alot of the new names are related to classic players requested by Slarkmeister, his requests have helped keep me focused haha. I’ve also tried to add what I could from other guys too so if a callname has been requested but it’s not in this update then I couldn’t build it sorry.
These are new entries: [Link]
How to install:
– Delete any old files related to callnames from your PES Downloads folder.
– Extract ‘Preds_2020_EnglishCallnames.cpk’ to your PES2020 Download folder.
– Update DpFileList.bin using DpFileList Generator by Baris.

How to install (LiveCPK via Sider):
– Ensure Sider is installed.
– Extract contents of CPK to a temp location using CRI Packed File Maker.
– Create ‘preds-root’ inside the Sider/LiveCPK directory.
– Copy contents of temp location to Sider/LiveCPK/preds-root.
– Edit Sider.ini in Notepad and add a new line: cpk.root = ".\livecpk\preds-root"​

Please do not rip from this pack and use or advertise as your own.
Please credit if you use this pack in your patch.


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