PES 2020 SoundServer Module by nesa24

SoundServer is a module to manage game sounds volume based on Home Team
[ as Stadiums are assigned to teams ingame ]
You setup your desired volume in SoundServer.txt with HomeTeam id and values for
MenuVolume, MusicVolume, CommentaryVolume, CrowdVolume, AnnouncVolume, StadiumMusic, StadiumSounds.

So it allows you to boost game or nerf volume so for example louder crowd on Arsenal then Bologna

# SoundServer for PES 2020 sider [ HomeTeam ID, Values]
# HomeTeamID, MenuVolume, MusicVolume, CommentaryVolume, CrowdVolume, AnnouncVolume, StadiumMusic, StadiumSounds
# Default ingame max is 1
101, 2, 2, 1.5, 1.8, 1, 1, 2
186, 1, 1, 0.4, 1, 1, 1, 2

Guys that know lua can remake this script to be CompetitionBased one.

Install procedure is same for all modules
[ place in sider modules folder and add to sider ini ]
and edit the SoundServer.txt as you wish

DownLoad SoundServer For 1.02.1 [Link]

If you like what i do send some bucks to PayPal :


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