Hoppus117 Boots Pack eFootball PES 2020 V 5.5.2

The 5.5.2 pack is an All in One  bootpack version for PES 2020 PC and includes:
100 boots and 30 Gloves + Hidden Content (boots and Gloves)
ADD Mercurial SF VII Bondy Dream x K. Mbappe (Konami revisited)
ADD New Phantom VSN II Future Lab 2nd Colorway
Wavelength Pack (including Mercurial SF model not visible in preview)
ADD More Boots Special Edition and old silo
Fix some error and mistake.

boots&glove_assignment (currently updated to 99% “Serie A TIM”, 60% English League, 45% Liga Santander, 55% BundesLiga. Other are by default with boots ID by Kkonami, in the next few days will be updated next league and teams).

In EvoWeb Patch 4.5 assignment it appears that in the OF, the Bundesliga teams (CYPES) are provided by boot assignments made with the internal editor, not compatible with my bootslist.bin. With the bootspack I will release an OF compatible with the V 4.5 of the above patch will be included with the assignments of the German championship for more than 10 teams correctly, the other assignments remain those of Cypes with IDs converted to work correctly with my MOD.

How to install:
Delete all previous versions of my “bootspack” and “boot-root” (This Is an AIO Version)
Extract the folder “Hoppus117 Boots Pack eFootball PES 2020 V 5.5.2 AIO”
Open this folder, inside copy and paste the “boot-root” folder in your \\eFootball PES 2020\sider-6.3.3 or +\livecpk folder
Open your sider.ini with notepad (root: \\eFootball PES 2020\sider-6.3.3 or +) and copy the command line
cpk.root = ".\livecpk\boot-root"
placing it on top (1st place in the list of live cpk) if you have other mods installed. IMPORTANT: Check that you have enabled live cpk in sider.ini (more details here), File/save .

ATTENTION: only if you use Evoweb patch 4.5, Add/overwrite the EDIT00000000 file (which is in the folder “Hoppus117 Boots Pack eFootball PES 2020 V 5.5.2 AIO”) to Documents\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2020\Your number\save

Special thanks for:
My mates modders incas36 *Supernova* Holland PaulPogba56 SimoMoki Oasis81 and all members of the Italian’s PES Modders 💖
Master Tisera09 for his bootspack and glovespack used as a base and for his extraordinary work.
Hawke for his precious help.
Juce for Sider tool.
Devil Cold52 and Tunizizou For the other tools.


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