PES 2018 GFX MOD 2.0 by Chuny
DOWNLOAD Crdit: Chuny... قراءة المزيد
Note : Set Contrast 50 Brightness 45 in game DOWNLOAD Credit DanieL... قراءة المزيد
DOWNLOAD Credit PC Professional... قراءة المزيد
left image - konami, right image - color correction remade turf color for all stadium no more yellow turfs no brightnes and contrast correction, on... قراءة المزيد
Changelog: – More color full (if you do not like it, download Reshade real life v1) – Add sharpen – Add Ambient light Set game brightness to 60... قراءة المزيد
left image - konami, right image - color correction little bit color correction for PES2018 specific Fox Engine yellow filter remover for more clea... قراءة المزيد
How to Install Download & Extract files. Copy the CPK into the folder “C:\ .. \Pro Evolution Soccer 2017\download. Generate dpfilelist.bin using Dpfi... قراءة المزيد
Password : reshade-fararts HD screenshots on imgur and more on imgbox . Set game brightness to 60% and contrast to 55% Tutorial instal include in fil... قراءة المزيد
الاظافة الرائعة Frost Reshade PES 2018 by Daniel Doang How To Use: copy all file from folder FROST RESHADE into your pes instalation directory IMP... قراءة المزيد
DOWNLOAD Credit manouch 115... قراءة المزيد
– Colores vívidos – Nitidez y Enfoque – Temperatura de color Realista (New) Cambios: Ajustes y mejoras en Curves, DPX y LiftGammaGain. Mejor contra... قراءة المزيد
##NOTE: You must adjust the Contrast to 56 and the Brightness to 38 in " Brightness Settings " HOW TO INSTALL • Extract all to your Game Direc... قراءة المزيد
– Install Reshade 3.0.? – Download preset – Rename .txt to .ini – Copy to Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 folder DOWNLOAD Credit thuesan_DK... قراءة المزيد
Credits & Thanks Allah SWT Crosire (ReShade Developer) Ganossa (GemFX Developer) (Sweetfx Developer) Edited by MinhNguyen DOWNLOAD... قراءة المزيد
How To Install 1.Unrar all files from Frostbite FX.rar to your pes main directory 2.Open d3d11.ini with any text editor 3.In the GENERAL tab you ... قراءة المزيد